Custom Dashboard


This case study highlights the development of a custom dashboard for a leading retail company. The goal was to provide real-time insights into sales performance, inventory management, and customer behavior.

Project Challenges

The client sought to create a custom dashboard that integrated data from various sources, including CRM, ERP, and analytics platforms. The project required careful planning to ensure data visualization and user interface design.

Project Phases:

01 Background & Context

The project involved developing a custom dashboard for a leading retail company. The client wanted to provide real-time insights into sales performance, inventory management, and customer behavior.

02 Agile Approach

The project followed the agile methodology, dividing it into six sprints spanning 18 weeks. Daily scrum meetings facilitated planning and changes.

03 Key Modules

The development phase focused on creating a custom dashboard with real-time data visualization. Key features included sales analytics, inventory tracking, and customer behavior insights.

04 Technology Stack

The project utilized a mix of commercial off-the-shelf tools and custom software development expertise to create the dashboard. APIs were used to integrate data from various sources.

05 Testing

Continuous integration and development (CI/CD) ensured rigorous testing and deployment. Azure DevOps and Git were used for CI/CD, and Azure Boards for lifecycle management.

Overcoming Challenges:

One major challenge was ensuring data consistency across various sources. This was addressed through data validation and error handling mechanisms.

Technologies Used:

Final Impression

The client was highly satisfied with the work completed during the project’s second phase. They expressed their intention to continue the collaboration, engaging for the subsequent seven phases of the project and additional endeavors, solidifying the partnership.

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